Aircraft Design: Mock-up Model Fabrication #1
For this subject, my group need do some of the mock-up model of our aircraft. So, i volunteer my self to do this mock-up model. and the other do on the aerodynamic analysis, structure analysis and the stability analysis.
before that we try using the CNC machine, but we facing some problem about the material and the final product after the machining process. Finally we decide does the mock-up model by using the composite. Also in this section, we will explain how the fabrication of our mock-up model.
First Step: Scaling
First and foremost step to do the mock-up model is we need the 3D models which have been drawing in the Aircraft Design I in the previous semester. The drawing must be the actual as the calculation in the preliminary design process. We need to re-scale all the aircraft parts by 1:20. This can be done by using function ‘Scaling’ in CATIA V5R19 software. The re-scaling process are important since we just do the mock-up model, not the fully aircraft part and we just need the outer surface only for the fabrication process
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